WhatsApp for Business

WhatsApp offers a direct channel for businesses to engage with customers in real-time, addressing queries, providing support, and building stronger relationships. When you hook up WhatsApp Business with our system, all your business WhatsApp messages pop up right in your phone setup. This means everyone on the team can jump in to reply – no more waiting on just one person.


Pass the chat to the right team member

In our system, you have the power to pass the WhatsApp chat to the right team member or a specific group. You can even smoothly transfer it to someone else on the team.


Don’t be limited to just one physical phone

You can read and shoot replies through our client. Our package includes mobile apps for both IOS and Android, a Web Client that plays nice with Chrome or Edge, and even Desktop apps for Windows and macOS. So, wherever you are, you’re in the chat loop!


Choose the best version for you

WhatsApp Business Platform helps large businesses to handle a lot of customer communication in an organized way at a larger scale through programmatic access. Small businesses personally manage conversations with customers using WhatsApp Business App, which is the perfect for those hands-on interactions where a personal touch matters.


Engage with customers right where they are

With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp provides an immense audience that businesses can tap into for communication and marketing. Use WhatsApp’s business solutions to establish connections with customers through messaging.

Boost your marketing opportunities

WhatsApp offers tools for businesses to send updates, promotions, and announcements to their customer base, enhancing marketing efforts. It also allows businesses to gather valuable feedback and insights, helping them improve products and services.

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